Coloring in your commute

We’ve enabled a transit layer across all our updated basemap styles! It pulls colors and information needed to draw subways, trains, and their labels from OpenStreetMap.

Zoom into Barcelona full screen!

(Rail lines appear at zoom level 5, subway lines at z8, train stations at z10, subway stations at z12 and subway line labels at z13.)

Just like enabling languages, it’s very easy to turn on the transit layer after importing a basemap style in Tangram – just import the basemap and add two lines!


  sdk_transit_overlay: true

If you’re using mapzen.js:

var map ='map', {
  center: [40.8041, -124.1506],
  zoom: 15,
  maxZoom: 20,
  tangramOptions: {
    scene: {
      import: L.Mapzen.BasemapStyles.Refill,
      global: {
        sdk_transit_overlay: true

Give it a try – it will probably take you less than a minute!